Have you been caught out by hidden banking costs or slow transfer times, when making payments to the Kingdom? Saudi banking can be expensive and inconsistent, even if you are familiar with the system. Global banks will often include unexpected charges, too. That's why we've developed our brand new Payment Portal.
Our new Payment Portal will help you to avoid the hidden costs and occasional unexpected nuances of Saudi banking, giving you an altogether easier and more cost-effective solution.
“We saved well over $1,000 with the AEI Payment Portal, so roughly 1.5%, on
our very first payment using the new system. Great idea, well implemented.”
– Hunter Obrikat, Director, Pilgrims USA
Key benefits of the AEI Payment Portal include:
Lower cost international transfers to Saudi Arabia.
Real-time exchange rates for payments in your local currency.
Faster, in-full, and auto-referenced payments with near immediate AEI payment receipt.
Seamless tracking of your AEI invoices meaning less admin for both you and us.
When it comes to Saudi banking, most things can be explained. However, the last thing you need when you're concentrating on your core business is extra stress. Our Payment Portal ensures you won't be caught out with things like unexpected delay, excessive currency conversion rates or large wire transfer fees, which can even affect those working with foreign currencies that are pegged to SAR, such as USD.
“The new portal you guys have developed worked very well and was super easy.”
– Phil Steele, Director, GoJoe
See how it works with our How To video:
Or schedule a time to connect via Zoom with Nick Cornford-Jolly – from our payment partner and specialist on the AEI Payment Portal.
Nick's background in international payments and FX strategy has helped us to develop this tool, making sure it delivers for users as well as businesses. Book a Payment Portal1-to-1 with Nick here: